We couldn't do it without you.
Now and There relies on private contributions to create impactful public installations. Our 2017 donors and supporters are helping us build a public art city in Boston. We can't thank you enough!
Stewards (over $50,000)
The Boston Foundation
Patrons ($10,000-$49,999)
The Lewis Family Foundation
Lisa Tung and Spencer Glendon
Benefactors ($5,000-$9,999)
James and Audrey Foster
Geoffrey Hargadon and Patricia La Valley
Performers ($2,500-$4,999)
Chris Colbert and Kate Gilbert
Kathy and Gary Sharpless
Sustainers ($1,000-$2,499)
Steve Corkin and Dan Madellena
Mark and Janet Edwards
David and Rachel Fine
Barbara and Jonathan Lee
Liviu and Roberta Niculescu
Beth Terrana
Steve and Sue Wilchins
Friends ($500-$999)
Alberta Chu and Murray Robinson
Esta and Bob Epstein
Jennifer Epstein and Bill Keravuori
George and Lynne Fifield
Natalie and Jake Lemle
Robert Taylor and Carol Burns
Contributors ($100-$499)
Ralph Helmick and Nan Niland
Rob and Sue Hess
Jeffrey Heyne and
Dorothea Van Camp
Randi and Michael Hopkins
Hudson Group North America
Sarah Hutt
Betsy Jenney
Charla Jones
Andrew Katz and Mindy Home
Lucy Kim
Brooke and Cher Knight
Anita Lauricella
Mark Maloney and
Georgia Murray
Robert and Erica Mason
Barbara Quiroga
Nelson Seo
Kelly Sherman and Daniel Goldsmith
Trevor Smith and Meegan Williams
Beth Swanstrom
Natalie Williams
Jane Wolfson
Anonymous (5)
Bill Ambrose and Amy Davis
Jesse and Ronni Baerkahn
Caroline and Corey Beaulieu
Christopher and Kelly Betke
Brad Blake and Allen Gove
John and Tracey Cannistraro
Stephanie Cardon
Ryan Carey
Silvia Lopez Chavez and Dominic Chavez
Richard and Karen Colbert
Susan Collings
Paul Davey
Elizabeth Dobrska
Ellen Donnarumma
Anne Engel
Mark and Gail Fiskio
Anne Fitzpatrick
Ben Garvin
Neil Gilbert and Brian Tomko
James Gilbert
Deb Goldstein and Julie Levesque
Elizabeth Good
Marc and Danielle Gottesman
Jack and Emily Green
Ambassadors ($25-$99)
Alexandra Lee
Kelleen McGee
Ken McIntire
Dave McKenzie
Bonnie Mineo
Mary-Liz Murray
Sara Oliver
Daniel Ranalli
Clarissa Lynn Robertson
Jennifer Schmitt
Derek Schubert
Jeannie Simms
Jane and Peter Sollogub
Sylvia Stagg-Giuliano
Susan Sullivan
Martina Tanga
Kelly Teer
Mary Tinti
Treco Family Charitable Fund
Sophy Tuttle
Drew Volpe
Tim and Kathy White
Robert Wolf
Anonymous (2)
Andre Alguero
Jeremy Allinger
Nick and Elizabeth Ducoff
Adria Arch
Christopher Barnard
Bonnie Bastien
Kathleen Bitetti
Laura Boston
Nancy Brennan
Halsey Burgund
Maria Catanzano
Hollis Chase
Kaitlyn Clark
Megan Cronin and Chris Faust
Furen Dai
Michael Dowling
Elisa Hamilton
Darci Hanna
Ann Hirsch
Brian Hone
Jocelyn Hutt
Joanne Kaliontzis
Beth Kantrowitz
Marni Katz
July 26, 2018 "Open House" Celebration In-Kind Supporters
Eastern Standard
Island Creek Oyster Bar
Hotel Commonwealth
Boston University
Caffe Nero