I will be a better citizen
I promise to take a deep breath before I speak my mind
I promise to support my community
I promise to pursue my dreams
I promise to walk 10,000 steps each day
I will honor and defend my creative power
I will find and join a softball team
I will run track throughout high school
I will help people in trouble
I will help my mom out more
I will work less and spend more time with my family
I promise to smile as much as I can
I will come back to Boston
I will trust myself and my decisions
I promise to grow, glow, graduate, and give
I promise to be a Beyonce in everything I do
I promise to listen with an open heart
I promise to cry and laugh with no regrets
I will actively work to make my life better
I promise to love god and the people and to help
I promise to be a productive and positive citizen
I promise to reverence my ancestors asé
I promise to make no promises
I promise to take care of my wife forever
I promise to be here
I promise to finish school
I promise to be more careful and less cautious
I promise to share words of encouragement everyday
I promise to stay on earth forever
I promise to be true to thyself
I promise to give love to all
I promise to be a better person
I promise to change my attitude
I promise to obtain world domination
I promise to always act against injustice
I promise to remember the little things
I promise to finish school this year
I promise to be better
I promise to remember to live life fully
I promise to have a better future
I promise to work with my emotions
I promise to remarry my wife Cyndi
I promise to do better
I promise to fight for whats right
I promise authenticity
I promise to love myself
I promise to put hoes B4 bros
I promise to take myself on an adventure
I promise to be scared
I promise to be nice to myself
I promise to not be a silent bystander
I promise to be the very best like no one ever was
I promise to never forget this promise
I promise to be a zealous advocate
I will make art forever
I vow to praise Jehovah God
I promise to be on time
I promise to always progress
I promise to be better to myself
I promise to be a better person in the future
I promise to live my life like it’s golden
I promise to put myself first
I promise to learn to say no
I promise to have patience with my husband
I promise to be more loving
I promise to not be hard on myself
I promise to be me
I promise to be a better father
I promise to be patient with myself
I will propagate Islam
I promise to be with my wife forever
I promise to make my daughter proud that im her daddy
I promise to call my ancestors every morning that’s the African way
Prometto a dire una preghiera ogni giorno
I promise to share the voices of the unheard
I promise my daughter to be a more loving father
I promise to listen more and to eat healthier
I promise to make sure Black lives matter
I promise to be more patient
I promise to be more thankful
I promise to continue being real
I promise to change the world
I promise to be true to myself
I promise to make your skin feel powerful
I promise to be a computer engineer and an entrepreneur
I will take the jump
I promise not to let anyone steal my sparkle & shine
I vow to not allow my circumstances to determine my destiny
I promise to visit my student’s family in Haiti
I promise to help the children in my country
I promise to be a better father to my children
I promise to go to sleep like the sun
I promise to make time to appreciate my life
I promise to treat all beings with compassion
I promise to try to change the things I cannot accept
I promise to be kind, supportive & patient in life
I promise to always support artists
To compromise when it does more public good than inaction
I promise to be an advocate for keeping the black art community
I promise to keep my promises
Loving mommy
Loving my family with all my heart
I promise to be the voice of Roxbury
To see fairness & equality in housing for Boston
Prometo mantenerme limpia para darle a mi hija un buen futuro
I promise to be big, brave, & bold
I promise to continue to educate my people
I promise to love my mother
I promise to make the world a better place
I promise to take care of my kids
I promise to stay independent
I promise to protect my family
I promise to pass on my wisdom to the youth
I promise to fight economic discrimination
I promise to rising sun chapter no2
I promise to remain humble
I promise to stay out of trbl 2day
I promise to be patient
I promise to persevere in face of adversity
I promise to continue to assist young people at risk
I want to spend more time doing nothing
I promise to not change who I am
I promise to keep making art
I promise to be a better mom
I promise to be a better father & a great grandfather
I promise to be honest with myself & everyone else
I promise to forgive
I promise to not give my mom a hard time when I get up
I promise to always eat dinner
I promise to hug my mother always
I promise to never give up
I promise to be brave, kind, and generous
I promise to always eat tacos on Tuesdays
I promise to conserve and create
I promise to be open to new experiences
I promise to balance aesthetics and politics
I promise to make kinship
I promise to get my real estate license by Sep 30th 2016
I promise to get better grades this year
I promise to try harder at school
I promise to help more at home
I promise to help my mother do more dishes at home
I promise to do better next year
I promise to fight against promesa
I promise to love myself & disregard the opinions of others
I promise to be more outgoing!
I promise to not quit Boy Scouts
I promise to be more present
I promise to be my brother’s keeper
I promise to be even-keel with any decision making
I promise to make my mom & dad laugh
I promise to be a better mom
I promise to continue to teach our history to our people
I promise to remind myself to think more about the needs of others
I promise to have more patience
I promise to get more sleep
I promise to have a better life
I promise to keep the 10 Commandments
I promise to take better care of my health
I promise to retire early with my dad in the Caribbean
I promise to spend 9/11 with my wife, Jackie
I promise to get honor roll this year
I promise to not let my situation in life keep me from seeing the good in people
I promise not to complain and to love my fellow man as they are
I promise to finish my novel
I promise to cherish my husband forever
I promise to always be my brothers’ keeper
I promise to wow myself and my family
I promise to be kinder to myself
I promise to trust in the lord
I promise to love my mommy
I promise to write my book
I promise to appreciate my clothes
I promise to clean up
I promise to start loving myself
I promise to vote for Chynah Tyler
I promise to recognize my connection with eternal goddesses
I promise to be a better father
I promise to be a better community leader - CLMAD
I promise to be a better example to our youth
I promise to do a good deed every day
I promise to do my best
I promise to live and let live - KM
I promise to advocate for smoke free bus stops
I promise to always stand up against injustice
I promise to always love VELH2
I promise to fora temer
I promise to not vote for Donald Trump
I promise to make the community better
I promise to trust Jesus
I promise to attend the Art Hub Supper Club on Oct 20th
I promise to be a better person this year
I promise to plant a date palm
I promise to accept and embrace jesus’ love forever
I will research KV Cockrel & use my power to share knowledge
I promise not to run away from my pain & the pain of others
I promise to volunteer more
I promise to take care of the elderly
I promise to profess god
I promise to maintain myself and my family mkw
I promise to stay angry
Eu prometo lutar pela paz no mundo
I promise to love and forgive no matter what
I promise to be a responsible consumer
I promise not to worry
I promise to be a strong, positive impact
I promise to stay open & keep exploring