Meet slandie, Tra, Georgia and Gabriel

The Guides stewarding What Do We Have in Common? are some of the most gregarious and outgoing people you’ll ever meet. We’re introducing you today to slandie, Tra, Georgia and Gabriel. We promise you don’t need these ice breakers but just in case....


“Come talk to me about food. I want to know everythinggg you love, value, and question about food's place in your community - whatever that means to you. I'm waiting for aunty's secret sauce or sweetest pie recipe too.” - slandie

“I can communicate with loons. Ask me to show you how!” - Georgia

“One of the things that excites me about this project is connecting with people from all around the world.” - Tra

"Come talk to me about queer history, cheesemaking, and bats (the animal)!"
- Gabriel

Have you had your own conversations and met these Guides yet? Have answers or suggestions of your own? Share your thoughts below and tag us on social media with #InCommonBOS.