Camila S. de Castro - Photo by Sylvia Stagg-Giuliano
Born and raised in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Camila’s path to Boston was rather a positive and interesting accident. Fresh out of college, a personal desire to experiment the “world” brought her to the US, at first to California and later, Massachusetts. In August of 2006 she arrived with one suitcase, a BA in English and Linguistics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and the naivete of a 22-year- old solo immigrant who was simultaneously excited, overwhelmed, enchanted and unequipped for the
challenges yet to come. Eleven years later she takes pride in being part of this unique community while still carrying an outsider perspective and flavor. Multiple realms and industries were traveled through these past years to settle in the new land. She pursued further education at Boston University and UMass in 2009 to become a trained medical, legal and community interpreter and translator. Fusing her educational and personal background to a professional career allowed her to see a different purpose blossom.
Becoming a cultural advocate and a language representative felt natural and empowering. She now works at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center in Brighton as a medical interpreter and is an active freelancer language professional in the community at a variety of settings. Connecting people and businesses through language and helping others on a similar life journey to have a voice during delicate or pivotal times sparkled a passion that has just started to unfold.
What words do you live by?
Explore, learn and grow.
What wisdom do you want to pass on to others?
That our most challenging obstacles as well as our purest moments of joy are the best tools for growth and sharpening of our life journey. Observe them with attention and learn how to use them. We are all connected through pain and happiness.
I feel most powerful when...
I come through the other side of a life challenge, bruises and all. Also when I'm able to connect with people.
The people who knows me best are....
My closest friends.
I'm proud of my city when...
When the news points out intolerance and hatred throughout the country and the world and people in Boston, from the mayor to my neighbors, manifest themselves, loud and clear, as references of resistance to that. Moments like that make me feel I live in the right city.
If there was one thing I could change about my neighborhood it would be...
More opportunities and events for people to simply know each other better.
If I could change anything in the world it would be...
Approach to cultural differences and environmental consciousness.
Something you'd never guess about me is...
I don't quite like being limited to people and activities of my own culture and background. I also don't like spicy food.
I am drawn to art that makes me feel..
Connected to beauty. There's beauty in an infinite amount of things out there.
I am interested in stories about...
Our deepest human experiences, with all its joys and struggles.