How will artists be part of placemaking and public art in Boston? On May 6, 2015 we hosted the "Where's the Art?" panel at the Boston Center of the Arts to discuss just that. Moderated by our director Kate Gilbert, artists Cedric Douglas, Megan McMillan, Liz Nofziger, and Rob Trumbour spoke about the definitions of public art and what we can do to support more of it in our communities.
“I think its really important for us to have a conversation among artists, architects, and other creative placemakers.”
One of our core values is valuing the artist’s vision first. We hope this will be the start of many, many more conversations and that you'll join us along the way so together we can all bring more contemporary, temporary public art to Boston.
Thanks to Justin Ziebell for this wonderful video and to NEFA'S Fund for the Arts and the Boston Center for the Arts for co-sponsoring this event!