Boston was spared this winter and our fair City of People, Places and Things (to borrow a term) is coming alive with public art opportunities. Below are a few of our top picks for artists, designers and mer-people alike.
Now. There. Go make some art!
Tiny Ships Festival Call for Artists
Calling all artists, sea monsters, mer-people, pirates and more. The Somerville Arts Council and Greg Cook, the fellow behind last year’s “Pity Party,” are looking for your help for the “Tiny Ships Festival” in Union Square on the afternoon of May 14. The festival is a celebration of everything tiny and nautical. Don't miss out on this fun opportunity!
DEADLINE: March 19
Public Space Invitational: The City of People, Places, and Things
This year, New Urban Mechanics, the Boston Art Commission, and the City's Streets cabinet are seeking project ideas that explore the interplay of analog and digital in our streetscape. It's a theme they're calling the City of People, Places, and Things and they'll have three challenges for this year's Public Space Invitational: analog, digital, and a bonus challenge. For more information visit their website.
DEADLINE (EXTENDED): April 10, 2016
FPAC Request for Proposals for Temporary Public Art
Our friends at Fort Point Arts Community (FPAC) have not one but four calls for public art ranging in size from temporary sculptures to participatory projects to occur during their Open Studios weekend June 18—19 during the annual Americans for the Arts Conference. (Extra incentive: N+T is running an ARTVenture Tour on the 18th and you better believe we'll make a visit to the Fort Point!) Visit FPAC's website to apply online.
INFO SESSION: March 30, 5:30-7:30 at 300 Summer Street
DEADLINE: April 17
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