
Public Art Powerhouse - Dr. Kymberly Pinder

Public Art Powerhouse - Dr. Kymberly Pinder

We’re thrilled to introduce our powerhouse keynote speaker for the Now + There Forum: Public Art Accelerator, Dr. Kymberly Pinder! A public art curator with decades of experience with community-oriented and ephemeral public art projects, Dr. Pinder was named the Provost and Senior Vice President of MassArt in 2019.

Upcycling UNLESS: seeking more sustainable art & consumerism

Upcycling UNLESS: seeking more sustainable art & consumerism

Public art reflects the value of equity in a town or city for all its members to be able to access contemporary art. I believe most artists, by nature, are cultural producers, hoping to share ideas, perspectives and curiosity. Interacting with art is an important social and personal experience and when shared publicly, has limitless impact.